Sunday, August 31, 2008

244/366 Out My Window, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Painful to post this.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

243/366 Important Things, originally uploaded by Amberture.

After a long afternoon of eating dip and drinking beer, George and I hobbled out to the Kennedy Center for some swing dancing in celebration of Colin's birthday (not this Colin, the other one). Of course, this mostly entailed standing around watching other people dance and at least one break by the fountain, which these two kindly graced with their silhouettes for me.

Friday, August 29, 2008

242/366 Doubt, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Just George, on the way to Buca de Beppo to meet Abby and suchlike for dinner and suchlike.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

241/366 A New Day, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Thanks for the nod, Jeff! You'll recognize Saturday's picture towards the middle. I thought it was decent as well - the film worked well for the shot.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

239/366 A New Bathroom Mirror, originally uploaded by Amberture.

I can't believe August is almost over. It seems like the summer has just flown by.

Here I am trying out the new bathroom mirror. It's clearly inferior to George's and superior to my old one.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

238/366 Drama, originally uploaded by Amberture.

This picture makes me proud to be me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

237/366 Connecticut House, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Taken at Nathalie's apartment building. I was at work from 7:45 to 7:15 today - you can't possibly expect me to have any creative energy left.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

236/366 Gazing Adoringly, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Great light, crap photo.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

235/366 Americana, originally uploaded by Amberture.

This was taken with my OM-1 on Jeff Revell's evening Old Town Alexandria Photowalk 2008 as part of the worldwide event organized by Scott Kelby. It was fun to head out there with lots of other photographers and shoot my stuff.

This is my favorite from the FILM I developed (not by my own hand, of course). It was old film so some of the graininess and underexposure can perhaps be attributed there but more likely I just don't know my stuff and my digital camera makes those decisions for me.

Lots of extras in my Flickr.

Friday, August 22, 2008

235/366 Staircases, originally uploaded by Amberture.

I apologize for the long delay in updates. It's been a bit crazy at work and work and school and such.

In any case - more staircases! You are all (har har) going to get tired of the same locales, here. Between the staircases and the mailroom, I need to find some more scenes.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

234/366 Ballerina, originally uploaded by Amberture.

I'm a ballerina. I'm a supermodel. I move with grace and poise.

Or not. In any case, I love this photo. The lights in the ceiling are pointing right at me and saying "you ARE a supermodel."

Taken in the mail room of my new apartment building, complete with a pretentious name: Cavendish.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

233/366 The Guardian, originally uploaded by Amberture.

Things have been pretty crazy at work lately. I am trying to help out with something new which is supposed to supercede my normal "responsibilities" but all these little things keep getting in the way. It's frustrating.

This dog kept barking at me so I didn't get a perfect shot here - I would have liked more room on doggie's left. But if I didn't get the shot quickly, the man would turn around and see me photographing him, which probably wouldn't have thrilled him. I know this because I tried it from another angle. The dog would not just let me be.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

232/366 Hallways, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

The foyer of my new apartment building in the very early morning sunlight. Our couch comes today and we need to get home by four.

This is unnecessarily blurry due to camera shake - I had just a few seconds before George came around the corner and started getting impatient.

Monday, August 18, 2008

231/366 Vanities, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

I frequently see bits of myself (naturally) in the visor mirror that appeal to me - a shot I would like to take. Those rare times when I actually attempt to capture this scene in my camera are nearly always failures.

I like this one a bit better because it's more active. The camera just creeping into the frame. I - see - you.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

230/366 Slant, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

229/366 Acorn, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

An acorn, nothing more.

Friday, August 15, 2008

228/366 Paparazzi, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

Even though I have a bathroom mirror in the new apartment, I haven't sought out its usefulness in those days when it's time for bed and I haven't managed a single photograph. I don't know what it is, exactly - maybe the light in there doesn't inspire me.

George is a reluctant model, as always.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

227/366 My Puppets, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.


Today wasn't the best day. My dear friend left to go to another job, further personnel issues I don't want to deal with, and on top of that and the hundred things on my "list", I couldn't get my website to work at all. I am not a programmer.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

226/366 Cup of Tea, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

225/366 Starbucks by Night, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

It's a funny thing about my monitor at work. I know for a fact it's too dark but I have invested very little time trying to get it to be the right brightness. Maybe I like everything else darker.

In any case, when I was finishing up the edits on this picture (maybe two minutes after starting them), I knew that the bicycle was an important element but purposefully made it a little too dark in my version, knowing that it would appear brighter on most other computers. Is it noticeable for you?

Monday, August 11, 2008

224/366 Sidebar, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

Just George, you might say.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

223/366 Through Windows, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

This was shot right before we went down the hill (or "into town" as George would say it) to watch the Olympics at our local sports bar. They wouldn't put the sound on so the gymnastics bit wasn't as interesting as it might have been.

Many of these shots came out to cloudy - the light makes things look foggy when they're not. You can see plenty of this on my right arm - look how much sharper the right arm of the couch looks. But I kind of knew that would happen and tried to work with it. Obviously, I should have put my leg down some. I feel like my photography skills are advancing faster than my modeling ones. Actually, I guess that's a really good thing.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

222/366 Ascending, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

I walk up these stairs every time I'm coming from the metro or the restaurant section of Pentagon City. They are really photogenic and I was lucky enough to have a subject with me to be a point of interest against the background.

I hadn't set out to enter the competition, but since Neil Creek is doing a 1-second exposure photography contest and this happens to be exactly 1 second, I figured I'd throw it in there.

Friday, August 8, 2008

221/366 The Elephant Couch, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

This is the elephant couch.

George and I had gone to Second Chance II way out in Falls Church, VA on a general thrift expedition. We really weren't in the market for furniture at that point, even though we scouted around the place. I wasn't feeling particularly well and so when I was done looking, I plopped down in the nearest chair by the door and waited for him. As I was lounging, I realized I was sitting on an amazing piece of furniture - an elephant couch!

George finished up his purchases and we left, but the couch stayed in my mind. It was so cool! It was covered in elephants! I had to have it. We called, they held it, and Colin drove all the way out there with us in his SUV to pick it up. It is a thing of beauty.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

220/366 Chevrolet, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

On my way home from the metro, I finally stopped and shot this bright red truck parked in an apartment building lot. After fiddling with the red for 10 minutes, I decided I liked it better in black and white. Looks older - goes with the dirt.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I love how George is doing the extremely boyfriend-y thing of putting his hand familiarly on my leg. And I also like how we're by far the brightest part of the image - it almost looks like we were photoshopped into this ridiculously boring setting. But we weren't - it's natural afternoon light coming from the glass doors.

For this kind of thing, George will only let me get off 3 or 4 exposures before getting bored and walking away. At least he's trying here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

218/366 Maria Mashup, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

Maria wanted to do her own mashup after seeing mine a few days ago. She isn't quite patient enough to sit there and let me take 50 frames of her so you'll have to be satisfied with this grouping. Or another way to say that is I can't engage my "model" enough and so ended with a mediocre shot. She looks good, though, right?

Monday, August 4, 2008

217/366 Planes of Glass, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

I'm warming up to the apartment. There's still stuff everywhere and not enough shelves and such to put everything on but we're working on it. I think we're going to enjoy living there.

This was the first thing I saw when I flipped on the light. I was lying in bed thinking of the photography dream I'd had the night before. There was a circular polished metal statue type thing and there was amazing storm light. In the dream I was rushing away from whatever the people around me were doing to snatch it up. And then I realized that I had yet to take a real picture and shot this one.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

216/366 My New Desk, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

I had zero energy for creative shots today. The best you can hope for is a peek at the new place - tahdah! My desk.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

215/366 Moving Day, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

Today was the big move but we survived. After hauling stuff all morning in our cars, George and I headed over to the U-Haul place. No one has ever moved as fast as we moved an entire bed, dresser, desk, dining room table, etc. etc. etc.

He still has some stuff at his house but for the most part, we are now in our apartment that feels a lot like a hotel room we've rented for the week. I'm waiting for the "at home" feeling to sink in. Maybe once we have everything unpacked.

Friday, August 1, 2008

214/366 Sprinklers, originally uploaded by AquaAmber.

On this first day of August, I moved boxes from George's house to our new apartment in Pentagon City.